Areas of Excellence
In order to provide “quality for performance”, which is QURES’ motto, the company has specialised in a number of areas.
1. Research
Our Research support services entail:
- Research design – scope, approach, analytical framework, methodology, planning;
- Data collection through qualitative and quantitative tools, including for simplified cost options;
- Data analysis, qualitative and quantitative, including for simplified cost options;
- Reporting and dissemination/capacity building based on study results
- Quality Assurance (QA)
2. Monitoring
Our Monitoring support services entail:
- Set up monitoring systems, including indicator systems and procedures;
- Assessment of quality of monitoring systems: indicators, procedures for data collection, processing, storage, quality, monitoring guidelines;
- Set up indicator systems, including baselines and targets;
- Monitoring-related data analysis.
3. Evaluation
Our Evaluation support services entail:
- Ex-ante, on-going/interim/ex-post / impact evaluations, theory-based and counterfactual; meta-evaluations and meta-analyses;
- Evaluation design, including ToRs – scope, approach, analytical framework, methodology, planning;
- Data collection through qualitative and quantitative tools;
- Data analysis, qualitative and quantitative;
- Reporting and dissemination/capacity building based on study results;
- Quality Assurance (QA);
- Evaluation plans;
- Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).
4. Project development, financing, implementation, monitoring, evaluation
Our Project development and management support services entail:
- Stakeholders’ analysis;
- Problem analysis;
- SWOT analysis;
- Strategy and alternatives development;
- Logic of Intervention development and QA;
- Budget development;
- Set up M&E system;
- Assistance in accessing funding: eligibility of the beneficiary and the project idea, funding application form, business plan, market studies and feasibility studies, economic analysis, contracting;
- Set up project management procedures, including for public procurement;
- Manage, implement, monitor the projects;
- Project evaluation.
5. Technical assistance in the field of M&E
In all these areas QURES provides capacity development services such as:
- Training;
- Workshops;
- Group and individual coaching;
- Conferences;
- Study visits.