Projects realised by QURES as the main contractor or as participant in the expert team
EU Cohesion Policy
- Evaluation of the contribution of the Operational Programme Human Capital 2014-2020 to the YEI. Tackling unemployment among young NEETs (sole contractor)
- Introducing simplified cost options (flat rate, standard unitary cost, lump sum) in the case of Technical Assistance operational programmes and axes in Romania in the programming period 2014-2020 (sole contractor)
- Impact Assessment of the Technical Assistance dedicated to the Management and Implementation of Structural Instruments 2007-2013
- Technical Assistance to the Evaluation Office under MA Regional Operational Programme (sole contractor)
- Impact evaluation of the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013, Ministry of Regional Development and Administrative Capacity, MA of ROP, KAI 5.2 “Improving tourism infrastructure”
- Ex-ante evaluation of the Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2014-2020, Romania
- Ex-ante evaluation of the 8 Regional Development Plans in Romania (2014-2020)
- Second Interim Evaluation of the OP Development of Administrative Capacity 2007-2013, Romania – socio-economic development project
- Support for drafting the contribution of the Sectoral Operational Programme Transport 2007-2013, Romania, to the 2012 Country Strategic Report to the European Commission
- Analysis of procedures applied by the Sectoral Operational Programme Transport 2007-2013 Romania
- Evaluation of the way in which the provisions regarding equal opportunities have been mainstreamed in the Romanian Framework of Structural Instruments
- Measuring and evaluating the “evaluation capacity and culture” under the Structural Instruments in Romania, as strengthened by the relevant interventions under OP Technical Assistance, 2007-2013, Romania
- Case studies as evaluation methodology – training for the evaluation units in Romania, including the Evaluation Central Unit
- Interim evaluation of INTERREG IV C – Main tasks: methodology, desk-based research, data collection& analysis, reporting
- “Improving the system of indicators for monitoring and evaluation in Romania”, Beneficiary: ACIS/ Ministry of Finance – as part of improved programming in the period 2007-2013
- “SEA follow-up in Romania and Europe” for the 2007-2013 programming period
- “First interim evaluation of the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development in Romania”
- Ex-ante evaluation of Framework-Document for Implementation of OP Transport (2007-2013)
- Ex-post evaluation of the INTERREG III 2000-2006
- Ex-post evaluation of INTERACT I
- Ex-ante evaluation of the 2007-2013 Romanian Operational Programmes
EU Enlargement Policy
- Evaluation on the support to SME competitiveness in enlargement (IPA I and II) and neighborhood countries 2010-2015
- Support to the Albanian NIPAC, Monitoring sector, and other relevant stakeholders for the implementation of monitoring tasks within IPA I and IPA II framework (sole contractor)
- Ex-post strategic evaluation of PHARE financial assistance to Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania; Slovakia, Slovenia
- Ex-ante evaluation of CBC Programme Romania-Serbia (2014-2020)
- Evaluation of the Donor’s assistance in the Competitiveness sector in Serbia (sub-sector Industrial Policy and SMEs)
- Support mission to IPARD Managing Authority (Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock) to improve the 2012 Annual Implementation Report for the programme
- Interim evaluation of the Strategic Coherence Framework 2007-2013, implemented under the coordination of the Ministry of Development in Turkey, through 4 operational programmes: OP Transport, OP Environment, OP HRD and Regional Competitiveness OP
- Expert mission for improving monitoring and evaluation procedures and for developing an “early warning tool” for identifying less performing operations and risks for efficient and effective programme closure – Regional Competitiveness Operational Programme (RCOP)
- Strengthening the evaluation and monitoring capacity for IPA III, IV and Ministries and other central public institutions in Turkey – training in Evaluation&Monitoring
- Interim evaluation of the IPA CBC Romania – Republic of Serbia Programme (2007-2013)
- Interim evaluation of the Regional Competitiveness Operational Programme (IPA IIIrd Component) Turkey 2007-2011 – sectors: competitiveness, regional development
- Training on Reporting and Evaluation for the Regional Competitiveness Operational Programme (IPA IIIrd Component) Turkey 2007-2011
- Phare Interim Evaluation Scheme 2007-2008
- Phare Interim Evaluation Scheme 2005-2006.
Other settings
- Mid-Term Review of The EEA Grants and Norway Grants 2009-2014
- Strengthening capacity in the field of strategic planning in Turkey, Ministry of Development, Turkey – monitoring and evaluation training
- Regional Independent Evaluation: Swiss Contribution to the Enlarged European Union (part of the core team)
- Assistance to the Operations Evaluation Division of the European Investment Bank in the Framework of the Evaluation of the EIB Group’s Contribution to the European Knowledge Economy (2007-2013)
- Judicial Reform Project RP – “Independent external expertise to support the in-house experts/employees of judicial system to finalize the Draft Action Plan in line with the Strategy for the Development of the Judiciary 2015-2020”
- Evaluation of the “Framework Decision on Combating Terrorism”, European Commission, DG Home
- Study for an Impact Assessment on a Proposal for a Directive on the Criminalisation of Money Laundering, European Commission, DG Home
- Study on Practices of Integration of Third-Country Citizens at Local and Regional Level in the European Union, Committee of Regions
- Study on the Role of Local and Regional Authorities in Promoting EU Citizenship and Citizen’s Rights, Committee of Regions